
Christmas Info

Christmas is here again! We're going to see if we can make this website work again this year. To navigate and see everyone's posts and Christmas wishes use the bar on the right. Thank you and we're looking forward to seeing everyone this Christmas!

Everyone is broke this year. Thus we will be centering the gift giving around stocking stuffers. Everyone should compile their Wish Lists with stocking sized goodies. Thanks!

Dirty Santa will be back AGAIN this year. If you forget how this worked, everyone should buy a random gift or two (If you buy a funny gift please also buy a practical gift because this will be one of the main events for the gift giving) and we draw names, open gifts and steal gifts from each other so that everyone gets something that they want. You can call if you have any questions at all about it or would like to know exactly how it works.

if you want to communicate by posting back and forth, use the "comment" link below, (it tells how many comments are posted and you have to click on the link to read them.) if you comment on people's wish-list area, not everyone will necessarily read it. -- kelly

Kelly & Anna


Kelly said...

OK ya'll- time to post your wishes- especially stocking-sized ones. since I'm being pressured to take certain someones x-mas shopping, it'd be nice to know who wants what!! if you need help figuring it out call anna, wendy, christina, or morgan (notice they're all of the "younger" generation... what does that tell you?) Santa needs some help so do your part ;-)